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Romero Burillo, Ana Mª

Romero Burillo, Ana Mª


Women and Work

Degree in Law from the University of Barcelona and PhD in Law from UdL. Lecturer in Labour Law and Social Security at UdL. She undertakes her academic activities in the Faculty of Law and Economics. She is the director of the Dolors Piera Centre for Equal Opportunities and the Promotion of Women at UdL.

Her main lines of research are Gender Studies relating to labour and social security, an area in which she has authored and co-authored several scientific articles and monographs including Maternidad y Salud Laboral (co-authored with J. Moreno Gené), Igualtat i retribució, La prestació per risc durant l'embaràs: a propòsit del RD 1251/2001 (co-authored with J. Moreno Gené and A. Pardell), Dona, exclusió social i renta activa d'inserció: especial referencia a la protecció de les víctimes de violència de gènere (co-authored with J. Moreno Gené).

Camps Mirabet, Núria

Camps Mirabet, Núria

Gender and Human Rights

Degree in Law from the University of Barcelona and PhD in Law from UdL. She undertakes her academic activities in the Faculty of Law and Economics at UdL, in the knowledge area of Public International Law and International Relations.

She participates in the RD&I research project of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness entitled "Legal and Criminal Protection of the Freedom and Sexual Indemnity of Minors".

Moreno Gené, Josep

Moreno Gené, Josep

Women and Social Protection

Lecturer in Labour Law and Social Security at UdL. His research focuses on the study of the figure of the entrepreneur and her/his organisation, the protection of pregnant workers, migratory phenomena, poverty and social exclusion, employment of young people and absenteeism. He is the author and co-author of several monographs and articles published in scientific journals on Labour and Social Security issues.

His publications include Maternidad y Salud Laboral, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2000, La renda mínima de inserció catalana en el sistema de protecció social, Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics, Barcelona, 2006, El nuevo régimen jurídico de la renta activa de inserció, Aranzadi, Cizur Menor (Navarra), 2007, Mujer, exclusión social y renta activa de inserción. Especial referencia a la protección de las víctimas de violencia de género, Revista Internacional de Organizaciones, 3, 2009, La pensión especial de viudedad de las parejas de hecho, Tribuna Social, 232, 2010.

Puyalto Franco, Mª José

Puyalto Franco, Mª José

Women and Work

Degree in Law from the University of Barcelona and PhD in Law from UdL. She holds the position of Dean.

She participates in research projects. She is a member of the pre-consolidated UdL group - Law, Economics, Sociology and Rural and Agrifood Industry Policy. She undertakes her academic activities in the Faculty of Law and Economics.

Toldrà Roca, Ma Dolors

Toldrà Roca, Ma Dolors

Women and Gender Violence

Lecturer in Civil Law in the Faculty of Law and Economics UdL. Director of the Department of Private Law. Lecturer on the PhD course "Socrates Pilot Programme: The Legal Status of Women in the European Union", and the Master in Agents of Equality of Opportunity for Women: Rural Environment.

Member of the Association of Women Researchers and Technologists (AMIT). Publications: L'androcentrisme lèxic en el llibre segon del codi civil de Catalunya. propostes correctores, 2011. Docència universitària amb perspectiva de gènere, specialist content in higher education, 2014. Aproximació a un diagnòstic sobre la igualtat d'oportunitats en el segle XXI, 2015 (in press).

carolina villacampa

Villacampa Estiarte, Carolina

Women and Gender Violence

She holds a PhD in Law from UdL. Lecturer in the area of Criminal Law and coordinator of the Inter-University Master in the Criminal Justice System.

She is the principal investigator of the RD&I research project of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness entitled "Legal and Criminal Protection of the Freedom and Sexual Indemnity of Minors". Member of the "Criminal Justice System" consolidated research group recognised by the Government of Catalonia .