Just in case you might be interested in continuing Gender Studies...
This is an Online Master’s degree aimed at training experts in the implementation of gender mainstreaming in professional tasks, in the treatment of gender violence and the application of the ‘gender’ category to research in the fields of Law and Human and Social Sciences.
The overall aim of the Master’s degree is to establish the theoretical and methodological basis to identify situations of gender inequality and indicators of gender violence, as well as intervening by opening up new paths of knowledge through research on gender relations, and designing, implementing and evaluating actions aimed at achieving equality of opportunity and treatment between men and women and the treatment and eradication of family, social and structural violence against women.
It consists of 60 credits spread across a Compulsory Module, a Specialisation Module, an Optional Module and a Master’s Degree Thesis.
It may be taken full-time (60 credits in one year) or part-time (at least 20 credits per year).
It offers three specialties that will be reflected in the title issued by the Ministry:
- Legal Sciences and Gender Violence. Designed to train experts and professionals working on awareness and prevention of gender violence, as well as attention to victims thereof.
- Humanities and Social Sciences. Designed to train experts in Gender Studies in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences. Specially designed to promote gender research.
- Equality Agent. Designed to train experts that fit the profile of equality agent that has been defined in Law 3/2007 of 22 March for effective equality between women and men.
For more information, please visit http://www.masterestudiosypoliticasdegenero.udl.cat/es/index.html